Event Registration

Face to Face 2023
04/03/2023 04:00 PM - 04/13/2023 05:00 PM ET
Event Registration is closed.


Register below for the Face to Face 2023 Conference!


The first 175 individuals to register for the IN PERSON conference will receive a copy of keynote speaker Misty Copeland's newest book - The Wind at My Back: Resilience, Grace, and Other Gifts from My Mentor, Raven Wilkinson


Please review the event policies page on our website and the following information carefully before registering:



All in-person Face to Face participants 12 years and older must EITHER:

  • be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (i.e., two weeks following receipt of both doses of a two-dose vaccine or a single dose of a one-dose vaccine with a COVID-19 vaccine authorized for emergency use by the FDA or WHO), OR
  • present proof of a negative COVID test result taken no more than 48 hours prior to the start of the event.

Masks are welcome but not required at all in-person conference events. Instructions for submitting negative COVID test results will be sent to in-person conference attendees in the days leading up to the in-person events.

If you or a family member has been recently exposed to Covid-19 or is experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, please stay home and contact the NYC Arts in Education Roundtable at info@nycaieroundtable.org.

PLEASE NOTE: The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable is closely monitoring the current COVID-19 case level and situation in the NYC area. We will continue to assess applicable health and safety directives and guidance regarding COVID-19 as that information evolves. The COVID-19 safety policies for Face to Face (including the protocols of host Riverside Church) are subject to change but will be clearly communicated to all in-person registrants.



The NYC Arts in Education Roundtable is committed to providing opportunities for everyone to participate in our programming. All virtual Face to Face sessions will include live ASL interpretation and automatic closed captioning via Zoom. All in-person Face to Face conference days will take place at Riverside Church, a fully ADA-compliant venue, but these events will not have live ASL interpretation or CART services unless requested. If you have any questions or additional needs, please contact Programming and Membership Manager Kinsey Keck at kkeck@nycaieroundtable.org.

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